
Thursday, October 27, 2011


I have been completing a landscape from a photo I loved.  It's not completed yet, but I thought I'd share.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Double Quilt Transformation

As I mentioned the other day; I took a class with Rose Hughes at PIQF for her Double Quilt method.  I am sharing with you as this quilt transforms.  Today I am sharing the addition of applique.  I have a few more ideas that will be inserted on the quilt.

Monday, October 17, 2011

PIQF 2011

There were beautiful quilts on display as usual at PIQF and of course many tool and stash building opportunities.  I went everyday except one.  It's always fun to catch up with friends you haven't seen to find out their latest projects too.  Saturday, I also took class with Rose Hughes from Ravenspeak Quilts.  Had a lot of fun and now in the process of completing my masterpiece.  :-)  I'm attaching the work in progress and will be adding embellishments & applique work to it over the next week or so. 

I wish I could have taken more classes, but I'm learning that sometimes less is more.  I was so exhausted after all the creative juices were flowing on Saturday I crashed at 8 PM.  That's heck of early for me.  Although I made up for it on Sunday. :-)

Silence in Motion

I've been a bit silent for a while.  Not that I haven't been working on things.  This is one of the latest quilts I have completed.  It's a OBW- One Block Wonder.  I used Maxine Rosenthal's book.  I will probably do another one using some of the other techniques for cubes and border adaptations.

I am also attaching the fabric I used.

Monday, February 28, 2011